Guy Haley

 Guy Haley 's Books

A very well recieved series by Guy Haley are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Lost and the Damned (The Horus Heresy Siege of Terra Book 2), Pantheon, Man of Iron, Konrad Curze the Night Haunter, The Lost and the Damned, Dark Imperium, Hoppo's Pies, Dark Imperium: Plague War, Dark Imperium: Godblight, Crash, Titandeath, Corax- Lord of Shadows, The Nemesis Worm, Wolfsbane, The Painted Count, The Death of Integrity, Perturabo: Hammer of Olympia, Evil Sun Rising, The Emperor's Railroad, Shadowsword, Pharos, Stormlord, Throneworld, The End Times | The Rise of the Horned Rat, Death of Integrity, Omega Point, Omega point rak-2, Dante, The Ghoul King, The Devastation of Baal, Reality 36: A Richards & Klein Novel, The Rite of Holos, Champion of Mars, Crusaders of Dorn, Baneblade, which was published in 2022.